Offy - Innovation

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Innovation Core value

Innovation is an essential COSMIC Core value of Officience.

It says :

"The world is changing. Processes that we do today may need to be changed tomorrow. We accept that and constantly challenge the status quo, in order to initiate change. We encourage creativity, innovation and risk-taking. The culture of change developed within Officience rewards creative behaviors. This policy of continuous improvement allows us to provide our clients with a constant optimization of our services."

Wording can probably be revised and fit better to new organisation philosophy 2014. Maybe that's why...

Innovation in real life

Sylvain PIERRE formulated his version of Innovation in February 2015 : "Innovation = Think out of the Box"

We encourage creativity and innovation and are willing to accept the risks that come with it. This attitude is at the root of the continuous improvement that is part of our promise.

We are having a strong debate here in Paris about whether continuous improvement is true innovation, or if only disruptive changes could be qualified as such. In this context, Innovation is in its broader sense and encompass also creativity, so doing things differently in search for an improvement. Keep in mind that Innovation is at the core of our mission statement as well.

Innovation (examples)

  • “I developed this VBA tool, it saves me 2 hours of work per day.”
  • “I just read an article yesterday about a new process of recruitment that seems to fit our organization, I would like to do a pilot for it.”

Not so Innovation (examples)

  • “Our customer gave us a detailed process for that project, I am just following it.”
  • “That’s how all the other companies are doing.”

What do you think ? How Innovation core value translate in practice ? Brainstorm, be creative and bring it on, in here.

See also

Check out few other Core values.
