Offy - Merit
Merit is one of the COSMIC Core values of Officience. In every day life, how could that be put in practice ?
Sylvain PIERRE formulated in February 2015 : Merit = Lead by Example
Justice is important to us, and we strive to maintain a permanent state of awareness so that each of us gives and receives its fair share of returns.
Merit deeply dives deep into our sense of Justice which we have to work out together to set in alignment. Considering that every month sees new Offies joining, that is a continuous common effort that goes through a lot of talking, and talking, and talking again. While most people understand Merit in a positive way (rewards and bonus for positive action), it should be noted also that it is actually neutral.
Merit (examples)
- “The salary you’re proposing is below my expectations. But I am ready to work hard to show I deserve more.”
- “One of my teammates seems to bring much more value than another one, but apparently they have the same salary. I am sensing unfairness here, maybe we should look into it.”
- “I feel that I brought less value and did not learn more compared to last year. I don’t think I deserve a higher salary, and I’ll come back on track within 6 months.”
Not so Merit
- “If you want me to work on this project, give me more money.”
- “I have been doing the exact same job as last year. But my influencers decided that I deserve 20% raise, nice!”.
And for you, how Caring core value translate in practice ? Take care, edit and share ideas here.
Other Core values in every day life :