Offy - Commitment

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Commitment Core value

Commitment is one of the COSMIC Core values of Officience. In practice, how could that translate ?

It says :

"At Officience even if we cannot predict the future, at least we try hard ! No project begins without a clear definition of KPIs and thus expected final results. This vision enables us to commit confidently into the achievement and of success of our mission."

Not clear yet ?...

Commitment, life examples

Sylvain PIERRE added in February 2015 : "Commitment = Do what you Say"

No action is engaged without a definition of the expected final results. We only have one word and managing the proper expectation from our interlocutors is a daily concern.

Everyone understands that you have to do what you say. The tricky part of this is about managing the expectation CONTINUOUSLY. Be conscious and share immediately your estimated chances of success. Raise the flag as early as possible when you realise odds are changing, keep a permanent alignment in perception. That's what being committed is.

Commitment (examples)

  • “I will deliver the proposal by Friday EOD (End of Day)”.
  • “I committed on this delivery but I am running late, is it an issue if we delay until Tuesday?”

Not Commitment (examples)

  • “I will do it asap.” or “I will try my best to deliver that.”
  • “Sorry, we were not able to deliver that on time.”

And for you, how Commitment core values translate in practice ? Feel free to edit and share ideas here.

See also

(Re)visit other Core values.
